Profit Apps Inc Apps OKR Software 3.0.0
Daily business often consists of tasks and routines that keepyourbusiness running. However you can't tell if they support thebiggerpicture. Your company's vision often is lost along the pathdue tothe daily workload and the tendency to just get things done.Eventhough you don't want to admit it, usually you rather workharderand get things done, than wondering how well they are alignedtoyour company’s vision. Your managers and teams tend toconcentrateon their own set of goals without questioning thealignment to yourmain company goals. There is no indicator to tellyou if yourteam's efforts are pushing you towards the same northstar that youare focusing on. Many times, you even wonder if yourteam even knewyour company goals and visions. Imagine that all yourteam memberswould know your company’s vision and the most importantgoals. Howwould your company and your performance change if allplans, goalsand tasks would be aligned to the bigger picture? Howwould theemployee feel if they were able to visualize the directimpact oftheir work to the greater purpose? How would yourstrategicdecisions about your team's’ projects change if you couldmeasuretheir effect on your macro goals? helps you toalign thegoals of your team with the vision of your executives.With OKR youwill track the contribution and impact to yourcompanies goals andstay focused on the most important key resultsto achieve them.Leverage providing greater meaning and purpose toyour team throughtransparency and data. OKR will transform yourteam into anunstoppable force. You will quickly experience a shiftfrom anoutput to an outcome based culture. Start focusing onresultsoriented execution instead of activities that just “need tobedone“. You will increase your performance and achieve morewithless effort. Ultimately you will change the way you communicateandimplement strategies. OKR will enable you to focus andprioritizeyour team’s plans of execution by ensuring that theinfluence, andimpact of your team’s objectives and key results arealigned toyour vision. Benefits Decide on where to focus your andyour team’sattention Ensure your OKRs are aligned with youremployees WatchOKRs that are important for you Measure frequentlyMake adjustmentsto help employees achieve their objectivesCelebrate achievementFeatures Setup Objectives and Key Results Linkyour OKRs to yourmanager’s OKRs Review your team’s OKRs Review howyour OKRs arealigned with the rest of your organization OKRs WatchOKRs that areimportant for you Get a quick look at your team usinga singlescore -- the Profit score Get prompt reminders for updatesPlan andtrack your execution using a world class task managementsystem